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Anthropometrical Parameters of the Orthognathic Bite in People of Uzbek Nationality

우즈베키스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Saidmurodkhon S. Murtazaev, Irina E. Pak, Saydialo Murtazaev International Journal of BioMedicine 발간일 : 2015-05-01 등록일 : 2016-01-14 원문링크

The aim of our work was to study anthropometric characteristics of jaws for Uzbek people with an orthognathic bite. Material and Methods: The study included 42 ethnic Uzbeks (20 women and 22 men) aged from 17 to 25 years with a developed orthognatic bite; the control group consisted of the 25 age- and sex-matched Caucasians and Southern Altaians (mongoloids). The object of the research was 86 dental casts of upper and lower jaws of young Uzbek volunteers of both genders. Measurements were carried out on the plaster casts in sagittal and transversal directions using anthropometric measurement methods. Results: The total width of 4 upper incisors in Uzbek females and males was less than that of South Altaians; the width of upper and lower dentitions at the level of the first premolars, second premolars and first molars was significantly more than that of Caucasians. Conclusion: The ascertained features of the tooth size, the dentition size and form should be taken into account when the orthodontic arches are being chosen for treatment of dental and maxillary anomalies.


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