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[역사] 단절과 연속(Megszakíttoság és folyamatosság) : 체제전환시기(1989-1990) 이전과 이후의 헝가리 역사서술 방식의 변화

헝가리 국내연구자료 학술논문 김지영 한국서양사학회 발간일 : 2011-09-14 등록일 : 2017-09-21 원문링크

This article examines changes in the form of narration in historiography before and after Hungary’s political transformation to democracy. The research conducted in this article reaffirms the fact that the form of narration in Hungarian historiography before its transition to democracy has largely been underpinned by the principle/ideas of Marxism. This means in practice, the form of narration in Hungarian historiography has heavily been influenced by the Communist party and its accompanying political ideology. The finding conducted in this article also suggests that the way in which current writing style in use in the Hungarian historiography has experienced a major shift in its format and that, perhaps not surprisingly, follows/orientates towards the Western form of description. Having noted this significance, this article examines the contributory factors that led to the change in a form of narration in Hungarian historiography, and asks where the Hungarian historiography locates now.


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