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[사회/지역] 국내 난민(internal displaced persons)으로서 크림 타타르인 - 나치의 크림반도 점령과 중앙아시아로의 강제이주 -

러시아ㆍ유라시아 일반 국내연구자료 학술논문 고가영 독일연구 - 역사·사회·문화 발간일 : 2016-02-29 등록일 : 2018-06-01 원문링크

The present paper aims to explore the reason of deportation of Crimean Tatar to Central Asia. And this paper examines the lives of Crimean Tatar in Central Asia in the process of deportation and right after the forced migration. Most of Crimean Tatar who have lived in the Crimean peninsula before it became part of Russian territory in 1783 deported to Central Asia in May, 1944. The number of those who arrived at Central Asia was about two hundred thousands. The official reason of deportation was the penalty for their collaboration with Nazis who occupied Crimean Peninsula from October, 1941 to April, 1944. Some researchers of western and Crimean Tartar insist that the statement is just slander without proper reason. But some Russian researchers insist that the deportation has proper grounds as the fact that Crimean Tartar collaborated with Nazis during their occupation period. the governing position of Nazis to Crimean peninsula had various spectrum from appeasement policy to respect religion and national cultures of Crimean Tartar to oppressive measures including cruel massacre. Therefore, the position of Crimean Tartar for Nazis was not one direction. Crimean Tartar had various positions from the cooperation with Nazis by organizing self-defence battalions to resistance to Nazis by joining the regular Soviet army and partisan. However, after restoration the Crimean peninsula from Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union deported the Crimean Tatar to Central Asia as the penalty for their collaboration with Nazi Germany. But, it was just the official reason and its actual intention was to govern the geopolitically important border area, the Crimean peninsula in the way they wanted. The deportation process and the early settlement step was so cruel. And Crimean Tartars felt betrayed because their families had deported from the Crimean peninsula while they were fighting against Nazis for Soviet Union, and then they had continuously struggled for repatriation to Crimean peninsula about 30 years.

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