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[경제] Kazakhstan - Trade Competitiveness and Diversification in the Global Value Chains Era

카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-01-01 등록일 : 2020-05-07 원문링크

As a small economy, Kazakhstan’s growth and development prospects crucially depend on its increasing participation in international trade. Kazakhstan is dependent on hydrocarbon and other mineral exports and remains vulnerable to international price shocks. Greater trade integration into global and regional value chains will be a powerful vehicle for raising Kazakhstan’s participation into the global economy, encouraging the reallocation of the factors of production, upgrading of productivity, and allowing the emergence of a more dynamic private sector. Exporting exposes companies to competition in international markets that should help them improve their operations and production processes. Global value chains connect domestic firms with production networks that can potentially transmit frontier technologies and knowledge. This report provides an overview of Kazakhstan’s trade and trade competitiveness. The framework involves assessing trade performance along various dimensions that cumulatively form a comprehensive picture of the sustainable competitiveness of the export sector, including: (i) the level, growth, and market share performance of existing exports (termed the intensive margin); (ii) the diversification of products and markets (extensive margin); (iii) the quality and sophistication of exports (quality margin); and (iv) the patterns of entry and survival of exporters (sustainability margin). This diagnostic framework provides a way to analyze determinants of trade competitiveness across three broad areas: market access; supply-side factors; and trade promotion infrastructure. This note is structured in three chapters. First chapter is introduction, the second chapter assesses export performance along four dimensions and provides a comprehensive picture of the sustainable competitiveness of the export sector: intensive margin, extensive margin, quality margin, and sustainability margin. The third chapter contains the trade in value-added analysis using the trade in value-added (TiVA) data for Kazakhstan.

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