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[경제] Towards a New Academic Career Framework for Latvia : Achieving Excellence Through Professional Development and Good Human Resource Management

라트비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-06-15 등록일 : 2022-08-25 원문링크

In recent years, Latvia has made significant progress in reforming its higher education system. However, stakeholders are of the opinion that Latvia’s system of academic careers, which features two distinct tracks for teaching and research in which the former predominates, needs to be modernized and benchmarked against peer systems and international best practice. There are also additional challenges to the reform of academic careers. These include, but are not limited to, the fact that permanent positions have only recently been introduced; the development of PhD programs in line with international practices has only been on the agenda for the last couple of years; postdoctoral positions prolong the precarious phase of academic careers, and the exit point from an academic career into retirement requires clarification. Despite these challenges, the situation is improving and in recent years the issue of academic careers has been actively addressed by both institutions of higher education and government. Given the fact that the design of academic careers within a system and framework is an important determinant of the attractiveness and efficiency of any higher education system, Latvia’s academic career framework (ACF) warrants continuous attention and development. Generally, all developments are intimately connected to the structural and financial development of the national higher education system and international academic labor markets. The report provides recommendations on the structure of new academic career framework that is internationally recognizable, takes into account the potential integration of the higher education and research sectors, and covers professionally oriented positions. The option of introducing tenure track positions leading to full professorship after a probation period and interim evaluation is integrated into the framework. The report concludes with implementation scenarios.

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