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[외교/안보] Alternative infrastructures: Poland and the shaping of early post-Colonial Nigeria, 1958–1970

폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Cold War History 발간일 : 2024-10-13 등록일 : 2024-11-08 원문링크

The role of Poland and Eastern Europe in Africa has not been the subject of a robust scholarly debate. The Polish scholarship offers only a few notable monographs, such as a literary analysis of Poland`s relations with West Africa presented by Jacek Knopek. Another notable scholarly example is five volumes presenting the history of the Poles in Nigeria. Both relatively recent monographs offer a broad overview of Poland`s historical relations with West Africa or Nigeria. Both provide an excellent and factual representation of how Poland`s relations with the region unfolded. However, neither offers much analysis nor attempts to explain why Poland became involved in the region or Nigeria. Additionally, Knopek tends to minimise Poland`s impact on the region. He also puts forward a standard orthodox argument that Poland`s regional foreign policy was subject to Soviet global goals. Nevertheless, despite his orthodox stance, Knopek observes that the overall Bloc policy towards West Africa was often negotiated. Furthermore, countries that dis- cussed their moves in the region the most frequently were the Soviet Union, Poland, and the GDR.Western scholarship also only recently discovered Eastern European involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa. The literature concerning the subject of communist involvement is still relatively scarce but growing. One such example is a collection edited by

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