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Identification of corporate situations is in the system of intellectual management an enterprise

우크라이나 국외연구자료 기타 V.P. Khorolskyi, O.V. Khorolska, K.D Khorolskyi, L.P. Rybalko Marketing ì Menedžment Innovacìj 발간일 : 2016-07-13 등록일 : 2017-03-28 원문링크

The aim of the article. This article aims at developing theoretical foundations of ad-hoc business management, their identification and classification with recognition of the trajectory of management of input / output parameters of a corporate enterprise. For export oriented Ukrainian mining and smelting enterprises, modified methods to recognize the trajectory of management of input/output recourses have been developed. The situations for implementing the portfolio of orders from metallurgical plants of EU and Ukraine have been identified. The results of the analysis. The area of efficient resource management has been separated in the process of identifying input and output parameters which unify production situations. The best possible trajectory of efficiency of the income and risk ration will correspond to this area. N-situations of raw ore into iron ore products processing with C-strategies of the order portfolio implementation have been detected. An algorithm of situational management on the «if … then» product rules has been developed. In the process of identifying production situations, it has been proved that the income and risk ratio depends on quantitative indicators of iron ore products manufacturing, quality and innovative enrichment technologies; labor force parameters, qualifications, production organization and internal organizational culture. The factors which decrease the risk of a failure to implement the order portfolio have been detected, which include the following situations: – costs management; – product price; – capital management. The area of stable enterprise operation has been determined which is a function of the factors: efficient corporate management, prospective goods policy, establishment of the enterprise in the EU countries market. The necessity to manage cash flows in an actual scale of time under the conditions of uncertainty with the use of ERP – systems has been proved. Moreover, financial efficiency of the enterprise is recommended being determined through multiple regression equation. It includes the following indicators: investment potential, market value of common shares, financial leverage, and dividend yield of shape capital. The situations of corporate management quality to which separate sets of input / output management parameters optimal for each of the order portfolio correspond. An intellectual ad – hoc management system for companies of Metinvest Group with a situational crisis management center has been developed. The use of the ARIS business process modeling software – simulation modeling of EU countries order portfolio at the level of a processing plant – is a scientific achievement of the authors. Conclusions and directions of further researches. In the case of adequate selecting recourses, technological, financial parameters, the situational crisis management center with intellectual management systems as part of ERP, MES, SCADA and ASUTP of crushing and processing plants and pelletizing melting plants may serve as: a powerful tool for the top-managers of the companies of Metinvest Group for analysis of their activities; a basis for synthesis of important decisions for adjustment of the implementation strategy under the conditions of uncertainty of the order portfolio of metallurgic plants of the EU countries and supply of iron ore production to internal outlets. Further studies are targeted at developing a business process management matrix structure with the use of financial statements to improve the quality of products and decrease energy costs.


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