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[교육/역사] 몽골 근대 역사교육의 성립과 변천 -역사교육 내용 구성을 중심으로-

몽골 국내연구자료 학술논문 이명희, 김봉석 역사교육논집 발간일 : 2017-08-31 등록일 : 2017-12-29 원문링크

During the twentieth century, Mongolia shifted its system of state twice; from feudalism to socialism and from socialism to democracy. In addition, the history education of Mongolia which had suffered from the problem of the nation and the territory can give an implication to the history education of our country. In particular, Mongolia has been carrying out history education smoothly by sorting out the problems of the inconsistency between nationality and its people and the transition of the state system. In this regard, it will provide implications for North Korea 's change of history education and the plan for forming national consciousness in the process of transition after the unification of the Korean peninsula. The history education of Mongolia showed changes in the composition of contents throughout three periods. The first period is the independence of Mongolia and the early days of the People's Republic. The history education of this period was mainly composed of the contents related with national history. The second period is when Mongolia pursued socialist policies. In this period, the history of pre-modern Mongolian people was gradually excluded, and education of modern history, world history and communism ideology were linked and strengthened with each other. The third period is the present history education after the democratization of Mongolia. In the history education after the democratization, Mongolian is considered to be formed in the 10th and 11th centuries, and the history of Chinggis Khan is highly emphasized and the contents of the socialist era are roughly covered. It also shows the direction of establishing the self - identity and identity of the Mongolia by organizing the content based on the change of modern Mongolia. The prominent feature of Mongolian history education is that, when it comes to the description of national history, it takes more objective viewpoint toward the narrative from prehistoric to ancient times, which is separated from that of modern Mongolia. In addition, the history of the modern and contemporary Mongolian people living outside the territory of Mongolia today is not mentioned in the textbook at all. This is the reason why Mongolian history education does not cause conflict with neighboring countries. Today, the description of history textbooks of East Asian countries may cause serious international problems. The case of Mongolia can be useful reference.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
