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Social and economic factors of chile de agua (Capsicum Annum L.) in three municipalities of the Central Valley in Oaxaca

칠레 국외연구자료 기타 María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Mendoza, Luis Alberto Villarreal Manzo, Engelberto Sandoval Castro, Jesús Omar Aparicio del Moral, Mario Alberto Tornero Campante Ra Ximhai 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-03-06 원문링크

This issue was carried out in the municipalities of San Pablo Huixtepec, San Sebastián Abasolo and Culiapan of Guerrero as part of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. We studied the production system of Agua Chile, using the technique of structured interview,information was obtained that allowed us to determine and meet the current models of socio-economic benefits in the form of productionof this vegetable. The importance of this study is that the chile de agua despite being a highly profitable crop has been little studied, so it is not known the extent that can have, there are markets that offer potentially greater benefits to farmers, therefore it is important to know the current situation of farmers in order to provide alternatives to improve their economic situation. The results indicate that according to the practices of peasant production and the low level of technology that includes the type of fertilizers, agrochemicals to combat pests and diseases and low use of agricultural machinery, yields of 3.97 t ha-1 allow total revenues are higher than the costs of production. Besides the existence of limited marketing networks (primarily in local markets and in the Oaxaca city), is a competitive crop in terms of profitability for finance of small production units and furthermore, it is growing factor relevant food security of farming families.

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