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[사회] 라틴아메리카의 인종적 소수자 운동 : 콜롬비아 시마론주의(Cimarronismo)의 기원과 특징을 중심으로

콜롬비아 국내연구자료 학술논문 차경미 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 발간일 : 2013-09-10 등록일 : 2017-09-29 원문링크

In Latin America, Natives and Afro-Latin Americans represent the ethnic minority groups. A minority group doesn’t necessarily mean less of its members than those of a majority group as you can see it from the fact that the outnumbered white-rulers discriminated the bigger native population in the colonial times. Existence of minorities means that there are groups with higher social status and greater benefits. Latin American natives have brought changes to the power-mapping of the Andean area unlike they used to be considered as a deviant or marginal group. Especially in Bolivia, natives are against the ruling power and majority-oriented social atmosphere by revealing their identity and the way of life. Meanwhile, slavery of the colonial era created Afro-Latinamerican’s history of suppression. This history has constantly influenced Afro-Latinamericans’ lives even after the abolition of slavery. Since 1960s, Afro-Latinamerican community has started to raise their voices influenced by “a Civil Rights Movements” and “African-American Civil Rights Movement". They have been engaged in a variety of struggles against economic exploitation, abuse of political power, racism, and violent history of the extermination of black in the society where reject them. Nevertheless, social prejudice and exclusion for Afro-Latinamerican diaspora is still remained in the reality of Latin America. Under the circumstances, Afro-Latinamerican activist community in Colombia has focused on uniting fragmented groups into a united organization since 1980s. As a result of the efforts, MNOA (la Mesa Nacional de Organización Afrocolombia) has emerged in August, 2010. This organization is based on “Cimarronismo” as a foundation of practical ideas unlike other Afro-Latinamerian minority movements in the area. “Cimarronismo” has emerged from the abolition of slavery and resistance to the colonial system. It aims to construct a liberal and equal society through fight to establish identity and fight against racial prejudice. This study aims to firstly look at the features and the emergence of Colombian “Cimarronismo” which offers the foundation of Afro-Latinamerican minority movements, and secondly, based on the first study, what African-Latinamericans, who suffered under the colonial dominates of whites, are suggesting to present political, social discourse and their radical ideology.


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