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[외교/정치] Foreign Policy and Political Culture: the Case of the Argentinian Democracy (1983-1985)

아르헨티나 국외연구자료 학술논문 Ezequiel Reficco Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals 발간일 : 1996-12-31 등록일 : 2018-05-18 원문링크

Throughout the twelve years that have passed since the restoration of democracy in Argentina, the external political dynamics of the country experienced dramatic changes. We can distinguish between three periods structured according to clearly differentiated parametres: the search for independence (1983-1985), the change to realism (1985-1989) and the search to reconnect (1989-1995).At the same time, this evolution was accompanied by far-reaching transformations in the international system. These changes were reflected through the means of an emulative connection to Argentinian political life, modifying the terms of the consensus which sustained the external dynamics of the State. Argentinian political culture had to adapt itself to reality, to its own experience and to those signals coming from enviroment which indicated where -and where notitshould direct its energies in order to optimize results.From this re-reading of reality carried out by both political leaders and Argentinian public opinion, the president elected, regardless of the result of the 1989 elections, had instrumented a reorientation similar to the present one. In the same way, Menem’s successor will maintain, in broad termes, the current external dynamics in his country.


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